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A law banning the refusal to enter into a contract due to failure to provide personal data has been passed

15.06.2022 - 6:54

Starting September 1, 2022 online stores, including aggregators (and other sellers) will not be able to refuse to enter into a contract with a consumer if he does not want to provide his personal data.

Right now, personal data is collected when shopping online, which is not necessary to enter into a contract. Collecting unnecessary data is prohibited:

“The seller (performer, owner of the aggregator) has no right to refuse to conclude, perform, change or terminate an agreement with the consumer due to the consumer’s refusal to provide personal data, except in cases where the obligation to provide such data is provided by Russian law or directly related to the performance of the agreement with the consumer.”

There are also plans to add fines to the CAO for forcing consumers to provide personal data – the relevant bill was approved in the first reading.