Арбитражная группа

Within the meaning of paragraph 13 of Article 213.9 of the Bankruptcy Law, a financial manager shall act until the date of completion of bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor

16.08.2022 - 3:13

Subject matter of the claim: a complaint was filed against the actions (inaction) of the bankruptcy trustee.

The court ruling: to terminate the proceedings on the complaint.

Rationale of the court: the completion of the procedure for selling the debtor’s property excludes the possibility of examining the merits of the complaint; the examination of a complaint against the actions of the bankruptcy trustee after the completion of the bankruptcy proceedings does not lead to the restoration of the violated rights of the claimant.

Decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District from 18.07.2022 № F05-15335/2019 in case № A41-19988/2018