Арбитражная группа
Before procedural succession, the remuneration of the manager is paid by the applicant

The debtor’s trustee applied to the court for recovery of remuneration and court expenses from the bankruptcy petitioner (Case No. A40-177845/14). The courts of two instances, upon reconsideration, denied the application, motivating their approach by the fact that the applicant in the bankruptcy case had entered into an assignment agreement. Under it, the rights of […]

15.03.2023 - 5:39

Administrative liquidation of a legal entity will protect its owners

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SC) has softened the approach to subsidiary liability of debtor controlling persons (CDL) in case of exclusion of an organization from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for failure to submit reports. The SC considered that administrative liquidation in itself does not mean bad faith of a […]

28.12.2022 - 7:02

Who will reward the trustee in a failed bankruptcy

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (SC) has decided who should pay the remuneration to the bankruptcy trustee (TA) in case of termination of the bankruptcy case due to the lack of money of the company even for the procedure. If the bankruptcy was initiated by the debtor himself, the costs are to be […]

28.12.2022 - 6:57

The SC took up the beneficiaries of abandoned companies

The Supreme Court returned to the court practice concerning the old and familiar to the market scheme of withdrawal of business to a new structure and leaving an “empty” company for creditors. The lawyers point out that difficulties in interpretation of such cases may be caused by the necessity to carefully separate ordinary corporate actions […]

28.12.2022 - 6:51

A KDL cannot claim to challenge judicial acts that took place before…

it was brought to subsidiary liability, if such person had the opportunity to participate in the disputes in which these acts were pronounced before. As part of the bankruptcy proceedings of Yugros LLC a transaction between that company and Evrotek LLC was challenged. Later Evrotek LLC applied to the court for reconsideration of the relevant […]

07.12.2022 - 5:48
