Арбитражная группа
Failure to hold the director liable for the conclusion of the contract,

the impossibility of proper execution of which, according to the plaintiff, was obvious. A member of LLC “Selvi” applied to court demanding to hold its General Director liable to the company in the amount of damages paid by the company to LLC “Interservice” for the improper execution of the contract. The improper performance of the […]

08.12.2022 - 6:38

Can the general meeting of shareholders cancel the decision on dividend distribution?

The former shareholder of JSC “Polygon” Stepanenko K.S. applied to the court, demanding to recover from the named company the dividends, the decision on payment of which was made by the general meeting of shareholders. The two courts partially granted the claim. Position of the cassation: – the lower courts rejected the company’s arguments about […]

13.10.2022 - 5:43

On the rules of indexation of awarded sums of money

V.I. Polevov won the case for the recovery of the actual value of his share in LLC. Subsequently he appealed to the court with a request to index the recovered sum, referring to only partial fulfillment of the court judgment. Two courts denied the claim. The courts pointed out that there was no federal law […]

16.08.2022 - 3:09

Corporate Law. Literature selection.

Andreev V.K., Kirpichev A.E. “Legal Entities. Introduction to corporate law” (2014). The work covers such topics as: the concept of a legal entity; legal capacity of a legal entity and competence of its bodies; creation, reorganization and liquidation of a legal entity; commercial corporate organizations; state and municipal unitary enterprises; non-profit corporate organizations; non-profit unitary […]

31.03.2022 - 6:20
